Magical Glow-Ups: How Harry Potter Stars Have Blossomed Since Leaving Hogwarts!

Rhys Ifans – Xenophilius Lovegood

Rhys Ifans, once the embodiment of the eclectic Xenophilius Lovegood, captured hearts with his portrayal of Luna Lovegood’s father, whose love for the strange and mythical was as deep as his devotion to his daughter. In a sharp departure from his “Harry Potter” persona, Rhys now cuts a more refined figure, his style signaling a seasoned artist comfortable in any role.

Following his journey, he has delivered memorable performances, including Mycroft Holmes in “Elementary” and a turn in “Berlin Station” (2016-2019). Rhys’ versatility shines through, from playing the peculiar to the profound, always leaving a distinctive mark with each character.

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