Remember when MTV was one of the most popular television channels around? Well, it was thanks to shows like Punk'd which helped the channel become so successful.
It's hard to believe that the show that won millions of hearts and put a smile on the faces of little kids around the world aired more than a decade ago. But not everyone who got pranked on this show walked off laughing.
In some cases, Ashton Kutcher, the show's host, offended his guests so much with his antics that he got dragged all the way to the court. For the most part, the celebrities involved in Punk'd never took the pranks too seriously, and the show started growing in popularity as time went by.
But sometime in the 2000s, its producers decided to pitch the idea of a show similar to Punk'd, but involving real people instead of celebrities. The pitch went well and MTV gave its approval for the spinoff called, Harassment, a name that wouldn't sit well with the viewers today.
The show, as the name suggests, harassed real people in front of the camera with pranks, that often went too far. Usually, the distraught individual's face would light up when they saw Ashton Kutcher come out of the hiding to yell, 'you got punk'd!' but in some cases, even his superstardom couldn't save the day.

Kathy Hutchins/Shutterstock | Ashton Kutcher's pranking days are behind him
The show's downfall was the fact that Kutcher was given too much power and he called all the shots. The host's personality back in the day was a complete departure from the smart investment guru he has become now.
The young actor was outspoken, comedic, and sometimes even offensive, which is why he thought that adding dead bodies to a prank would be a good idea.
For one episode Kutcher got a hotel's approval to place a fake cadaver in one of their rooms. The guest couple freaked out when they saw a body in their bed, covered in fake blood, and cried for help. The hotel management, which was in on the prank, told the couple that they could not leave the room until the police arrived.

gg-foto/Shutterstock | The infamous prank took place at the Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas
Sharing a room with a dead body took an emotional toll on the couple, hence they weren't too pleased when Ashton Kutcher walked through the room to announce that they were being punk'd.
The couple filed for a $20 million lawsuit, which eventually became the downfall of Harassment. The show was eventually canceled in 2004, and the legal case settled quietly outside the court.